三国志 諸葛孔明



第一章 孔明誕生
第二章 後漢動乱
第三章 隆中の孔明
第四章 劉備と曹操


Annals of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Kongming(1)
It is about the world of annals of the three kingdoms and the most talented tactician?Zhuge Kongming .This comic was created by Fumio Hisamatsu, who was famous for “Super Jetta” and “Bouken Gabotenjima”. Zhuge Kongming was the hero of the end of Han, which was divided by all kinds of forces. Kongming started the life rootless moving from place to place after his father’s death. Lately, he settled down in Jizhou to focus on studying. How did Kongming spent his childhood days while he compared himself to be the heroes in Warring States period like Guan Zhong,Yue Yi.

三国志? ?葛孔明1